Wednesday, September 30, 2009

very random....

Ready for school.....

Hey brother can I get a hug???

"Gotcha", he's going in for the hug....... and

Sorry, Donnie no such luck........

Get off.

One question.....

Why does being a mom have to be SO hard??

And it's all the little things that I find difficult..... well, I guess that also has to do with the fact that my children are under the age of 3 yrs. old, so I guess it's the "little" things I'm going to be dealing with for a while...uh.? So, Donnie has started Preschool this year, which has been a wonderful experience for all of us....he and I both adore his school and his teacher (makes me very happy, especially being a teacher myself, I seem to be finding myself a little extra judgemental on the schools and teachers that he may have to encounter.) Anyways, while he is having a wonderful experience, we have had a few little things pop up. One incident was him not being called on to be ring the "clean-up bell", he kinda had a little meltdown (crying, not tantrum), his teacher said.....not a big deal she just had to explain that everyone needs a turn and it wasn't his turn that day, his friend Reese let him ring it with her to make him feel better (how sweet!) Second, I guess he was playing in the gym with his class and stepped on another kids stomach (I think in a playing manner, but still)....his teacher told him not to do that and he started crying, then he didn't want to be around her for the rest of the gym time (I have to admit this one kinda made me duh, Donnie why would you step on another kid??)

I guess the hard part for me is trying to explain to a 3 yr. old to just deal with the "no's" or the time-outs, or whatever consequence he has to face. I don't want him to be....... ummmm, how should I put this without making it sound bad, well, not sure so I'll just say it, I don't want him to be a sissy. And yes, I know he's only 3 and he just started preschool, but I also knows he's a little sensitive. Which is one of the things I completely love and adore about him, it's what makes him my sweet little boy. I also know being a teacher that it amazes me how many kids can't just take the consequence that's handed out to them.....without throwing a fit. Maybe, that's it, maybe it's more so that when he gets older I don't want him to question authority or put up a fuss, or act like a "baby", but to simply know that when he does something unacceptable you've gotta face the punishment period.

Oh, my gosh I can't believe I just went on for 2 paragraphs about Donnie and being a little sensitive. Can you say over analyzing or what??? haha! Anyone else ever do that with your kids though? It's like I want my kids to be "perfect" and I know this obviously is non-existent, what is perfect anyways......oh, the woes of motherhood.

1 comment:

jane said...

Cute pics. And I totally understand your worries. I worry about Grace being shy but what can you do? Every kid does things in their own way and our job is to guide and supoport the best we can. An worry. ALL THE TIME :)