Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm back....once again!

Well, once again I've been off the blog for a little while (okay, LONG ass time!).....I figured I better get my booty back on. (Although, of course I'm keeping up on everyone else's....LOL!)

Ummmm, I guess it's just been the "usual" around here lately....nothing too out of the ordinary, just everyday life over at the Huff's.

  • Donnie is turning into a crazy little man, like any other normal 2 year old little, trucks, balls, balls, and more balls....oh, yeah and puck for his hockey obsession. And his big thing right now is saying "mine" or "mine's" to EVERYTHING....even if it doesn't really make sense. He calls his stuffed horse "mine", which yes, technically it is mine to him, but when we ask him what the horse's name is...he says "mine's". Haha! I find it cute. Right now that is.

  • Don just went out and bought himself a new flat screen T.V. a panasonic I think, all I know is he had a gift card burning a hole in his pocket and he's been researching flat screens for months now. But, with my husband being such a saver, and him having to spend some of his own out of pocket $ with the gift card he had a hard time justifying the purchase. I will say, I'm actually glad /relieved that he has FINALLY made this purchase, he doesn't ever buy things for himself and he deserves it, but WOW I never knew a new flet screen T.V. was such a big deal....

  • As for me, I'm just all about the nursery right now, trying to get the fabric bought and picked out for my Mother-in-law to make the quilt, bedskirt and curtains. Figuring out which baby changing dresser I need to order. And all the little stuff to get the room ready for our little man. So here's what I've picked out so far, this (which, I-well Nicole found the same exact fabric online for my MIL to make) and this.

  • We went to church this morning, it was the "Family Worship" service, which we LOVE! It's nice because it's usually in a smaller room and all kid oriented, so I don't feel like my child is the only one who is being a little too loud or snacking or laughing. It's usually just full of families with small kids....nice! And boy, did I need church this weekend...somewhere to just let all my thoughts and emotions out, latley I've been feeling so overwhelmed with work it just consumes my thoughts some days. I've had a really hard adjustment to my new school and my new administator (who is not at ALL the person I thought she was!) I'm also in such a *dilemma* about next make a long story short (I'll try), the kindergarten teacher has asked me to job share with her next Fall, basically one week I would work 2 days, the next week 3 days (at McCulloch, the same school I'm at this year)...part-time, perfect right.? Well, I've been having second thoughts, I mean while I LOVE the idea of part-time... do I really want to stay at a school where I don't have any support from my administator (Principal), especially when I work at a school that has extreme behavioral issues and 80% of the children are below grade level.? I might have the chance to bid on another postion at another school....where things would be much less complicated and I would feel much more supported, relieving me of a LOT of the stress I'm feeling this year, yet I would be working full-time which I really would rather not do with a 4 month old next Fall. My husband always brings up the fact that I am pregnant this year, which has made me more tired and more easily stressed about things. And while, I might think another school will be a better environment and the answer I might be just as stressed having to work full-time with a newborn.....maybe he's right?? UGH!!!! Can you tell I've been thinking about this ALL weekend!! Knowing that I'm leaving the end of March for maternity leave, having to sign the job share papers before I leave (if I do it), and not knowing what building (out of the 10 other schools in our district) I would be at or what grade, if I opt out of the job share just too much stress on me right now!! I seriously just want to crawl in a hole and not come out until everything is worked-out in the best possible predicament for my family life right now....why does work have to be so stressful sometimes?? This is why I needed so badly to go to church and remind myself that things will work out the way HE knows they should work out, and everything will happen the way it's supposed to.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Donnie!!

January 11, 2006
10:33 am
6 lbs. 9 oz.

I can't believe my baby is already 2 yrs. old. I've been so blessed in so many ways to have you in my life..... I never truly understood what unconditional love was until you came along. You are our everything.

And look at you now, all grown up just like a big boy......what a cheesy grin! Haha!

So, I wish I had some birthday pictures, but unfortunately we've ALL been sick this weekend!! I mean really really sick, passing strep-throat from one to another and Donnie has been fighting a fever all week, he actually has to go back to the Dr.'s tomorrow if his fever hasn't's been a whole week of a non-stop fever, plus strep throat, I'm not a Doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not normal. right.? Or am I wrong, do kids carry fevers longer than a week? Well, I don't know, but I feel horrible for my little man and hope he gets feeling back to himself soon. What a bummer Birthday weekend...Yuk!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

* Update *

Okay now for an update over here at the Huff house......

* I just had a Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday, everything's going smooth thus far....feeling half-way decent, I just went off of my anti-nausea meds. this week and so far so good (I had to try to go off of them, I had major constipation....not even prune juice was helping..LOL!), once in a while I still have a small wave of nausea but nothing that's horrible or I can't deal with. I also got to talking with him about the having two boys and how I might(key word) try for another after this one......but, I know that my chances are really slim of having the opposite sex since I'm already gonna have two boys. He actually told me though that those stats. on the Internet are NOT FACT and it's a myth, he said every time you get pregnant you have a 50/50 (okay, 48/52 to be exact) chance of a boy or a girl, there's really know factual evidence that you have a greater chance of having the same sex after already having two of the same sex! So......I called Don right after my Dr.'s appt. and told him to get ready for three kids! Haha!! He laughed it off and said let's see how it is with two kids first....he's probably right, but I just got SO excited that he gave me some hope of maybe on day having a girl!

* Donnie is getting to be such a big boy....repeating everything we say, well usually the last word of our sentence....such as (me) "Donnie do you want a snack" (him) "snaaack", (me) "Let's get some milk for you" (him) "milllllllk" ~ and when he says his "k's" it sounds like he's trying to get something out of his throat, like he has a hairball or something... it's too funny. And so on and so on with the repeating ...... It's so cute to listen to his little voice and personality showing through, I just can't believe how much of a toddler he's becoming.

* We also went up to my in-laws cabin for a few days while I'm on X-Mas break and Donnie just feel in LOVE with snowmobiling. We had to stop at a snowmobile shop on the way up to Evart and buy him a REAL helmet to go on the snowmobile with Don, I'm pretty sure my husband was more excited than he was though......that's all Don could talk about for the rest of the ride up there... (I have lots of pictures I'll have to post later). I was teasing Don that next year he's going to have to strap one boy to the back of him and one boy to the front so they can both go snowmobiling....LOL! I'm glad my husband will soon have built-in snowmobile companions .... he won't have to rely on me for cruising around in the frigid temperatures! Brrrrr.

* My house is looking more like a home these days.....we recently got an area rug for our dining room that I absolutely love and a new fire place insert for a gas fire place (Christmas presents), instead of a wood burning one that we have now and NEVER use. So, much of my house is coming together and looking more like how I imagined it when we first bought this place. Now I just need to...... redo our upstairs main bathroom, get the nursery done and put together, do something to my kitchen cabinets and walls (temporarily until I can really redo my kitchen with new cabinets and I built-in kitchen table nook), have Jade (Leslie's hubby) build us a built-in entertainment center in our living room, curtains, sofa table, and side tables.......then it will be how I REALLY want my house to look!! Haha!! By the time ALL of that is done we'll probably be on to our next house....seeing as though my husband doesn't like to be in a house longer than 5 years! Ugh!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years.....and no I haven't given up blogging, I'm just trying to rejuvenate myself and stay more consistent!

** Pictures coming soon **

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Finally, I'm blogging....

I got this off of Nicole and Heather's blog.....It's fun, try it!!!

1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before?
Got my first "real" teaching job...with a "real" paycheck....and a "real" benefits package!!! Yay! (okay maybe it was 2006, Dec., but close enough)
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I think I did okay, I usually always say the same thing...."Try to be a better person all around, spiritually, financially, personally...." So, I probably did okay....there's always room for improvement, know what I mean.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Leslie had little Reyna, Lindsay had Eva, Jackie had Brock, E.J. had Yuri ....Wow, I didn't realize that many!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What states/countries did you visit?
Missouri.... Ummm (Binki's wedding), I think maybe it was right before 2007, can't remember Oooopps!!
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
Spending more time putting Donnie's first year photo album together and enjoying our new home....not worrying about having to move!
7. What dates from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Jan. 11th...Donnie's First Birthday. No others.
8. What was your biggest achievement? Becoming a full-time working mom.... and putting my college degree to good use!
9. What was your biggest failure?
Letting things that are out of my control bother me and consume more of my energy than needed.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Hmm.. is pregnancy an illness? You know... 3 months of daily nausea, vomiting, loss of bladder control, backaches, hip pains, constipation... HAHA! (I'll use the same one as Nicole...LOL!!)
11. What was the best thing you bought?
A new home and car (I heart my Volvo S80)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Probably my husband's, he's always the rational one when I'm on an irrational tirade.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Hmmmm......

14. Where did most of your money go?
A new house
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Having another baby and buying our home
16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Anything by Jack Johnson......I listened to him waaaay too much last year.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
 a) happier or sadder? The same b) thinner or fatter? 
fatter, for sure! c) richer or poorer?
Well, new house, but an increase in salary.... so maybe a little richer, but the more money I make the more I maybe about the same.?
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Appreciated ALL the little moments in Donnie's first few years.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying about life situations.... and complaining, my life's pretty darn good.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve.... The Huff's. Christmas family.
21. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Yes...with being a mom, I think I'm getting the hang of it and starting to really enjoy the toddler years.
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Without a Trace, The Office, Cold Case and House.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
24. What was the best book you read?
"The Lovely Bones"
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
A 1 1/2 year old singing in the back seat of the car to the music. I love it!!
26. What did you want and get?
pregnancy, a new home, a year of good health
27. What did you want and not get?
Nothing that I can think of .....worth any importance.
28. What was your favorite film of this year? Million Dollar Baby
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 25, and I think I went to dinner/ movie with my hubby.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Being placed back at the school I taught at last year..... Not the one I was placed at this Fall! Oh.....AND having my job share partner NOT bail out on me last minute!!! UGH!
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Well, trying to fit back into my prebaby jeans after Donnie....which BTW I DID, and trying to have some sense of sexiness once in a while (even though I am a MOM!!). Now I'm in maternity comfort clothes, anything that fits and is somewhat comfortable.....maybe cute if I'm lucky, or care that day.
32. What kept you sane?
My usual, he's an awesome guy! And of course my unwavering rock/ best friend my cousin Jacqui. Also, my family...and the Huff family, it's great to have such a close bond with our families.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
McDreamy...I fell in love with Grey's Anatomy last year. Not so much now.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
The war in Iraq....need I say more!!
35. Who did you miss? My girlfriends from high school who I don't see nearly enough. My grandma. The Morrison's.
36. Who was the best new person you met? A fellow teacher from school...Heather, it was great to have such a good friend in my first teaching job last year.
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.
"Don't sweat the small's too short".... it's so cliche, but so true.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Ummmmm, I'm bad at remembering lyrics.....sorry, I've got nothing!