So, I'm little bit overwhelmed lately between work, being a mommy to a toddler, lack of energy =pregnancy, and Ooopps I forgot about trying to be a decent wife, it feels like the last thing I have time to do is blog....I will try to do better over Christmas break I promise. It's funny because I get so bummed if the blogs that I check on regularly aren't currently updated....and here I am, like a once every two week poster. UGH... BIG slacker I know!
Anyways, current updates:
* As of right now at this very moment......NO sex of the baby will be told at our next ultrasound in 3 weeks.
* Work is going I said earlier, I have a challenging room and some kids that I have are carrying more on their shoulders than I can even imagine. But, I'm adjusting to my current school and environment, so it's getting easier everyday. In fact I think I'm going to stay there next year to job share with the Kindergarten teacher....she's pregnant and due in early June. YAY!! It might just be a blessing in disguise that I was placed at this school this year, it's so true that everything happens for a reason.
* Pregnancy is going well, thus far. I've been experiencing some cramping (no bleeding)....I think I might have another UTI, who knows, I actually have a Dr. appt. in a few hours so I'll be able to ask him what this is all about.
* Donnie is great....such a cutie. He had a great Thanksgiving playing with all his cousins, he acted like such a big boy. He also now refers to himself as "Big D" in a low manly husband started it by calling him "Big D.", so now Donnie refers to himself and my husband as "Big D". Once in a while he even calls his Dad "Don", it's too funny.
* And Don....I think I should include him, since he is part of our everyday lives around here. Over Thanksgiving Don and I had a really fun night out at Daryl's Downtown with some of our old friends from High School.... there happened to be a ton of people from Lumen there that night so it was like a Lumen Christi reunion, it was nice to see people I hadn't seen in a long time. Don had a LATE night -3 AM. to be exact w/some old friends and his brothers! And yes, he was paying for it the next morning, when we were all up at 6:30 AM...Ooooopps! (God says, "you'll pay for your sins") hehe!! But, he knew I had plans to do X-mas shopping & didn't even complain about me leaving for the afternoon..... GOOD JOB DAD!! You're a trooper! He's also doing a little investing with his Dad....a new business venture. Good Luck Hubby!
Okay, I've gotta go and get ready for the Dr.'s. Hope everyone had a great Holiday!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
7 Facts
*Here's how it works:
*The meme: 7 random facts about me
*The rules:Link to your tagger and post these rules.
*Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
*Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
*Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1. I only wash my hair 3-4 times a week. I know it may sound gross, but it's actually very healthy for your hair to have the extra oils in them, and I have super brittle/dry hair....when I used to wash it everyday it was SO damaged.
2. I don't care for anything with coconut in it. I've tried and tried to find something I like with coconut, but I just don't care for it.
3. I always wanted 3 children, but that dream may be changing here soon...? We'll, have to see after the next one.
4. I love olive loaf (especially now that I'm preggo)'s bologna with green olives sliced up in it. Just olive loaf and plain white bread with mayo.......YUMMO!
5. I feel like I'm on the right path in my life at this moment in time. I really feel content with the people and things in my life right now....this is where I'm supposed to be.
6. I'm more of a morning person verses night eyes are closing by 9pm.
7. I love Christmas so much more now that I have a makes my Christmas much more exciting, there's nothing better than watching your little one open presents on Christmas morning!
I'm tagging.....Emily, Leslie, Mackenzie, E.J.(Erin Malone), Heather S., Nicole, Gina M.
*The meme: 7 random facts about me
*The rules:Link to your tagger and post these rules.
*Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
*Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
*Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1. I only wash my hair 3-4 times a week. I know it may sound gross, but it's actually very healthy for your hair to have the extra oils in them, and I have super brittle/dry hair....when I used to wash it everyday it was SO damaged.
2. I don't care for anything with coconut in it. I've tried and tried to find something I like with coconut, but I just don't care for it.
3. I always wanted 3 children, but that dream may be changing here soon...? We'll, have to see after the next one.
4. I love olive loaf (especially now that I'm preggo)'s bologna with green olives sliced up in it. Just olive loaf and plain white bread with mayo.......YUMMO!
5. I feel like I'm on the right path in my life at this moment in time. I really feel content with the people and things in my life right now....this is where I'm supposed to be.
6. I'm more of a morning person verses night eyes are closing by 9pm.
7. I love Christmas so much more now that I have a makes my Christmas much more exciting, there's nothing better than watching your little one open presents on Christmas morning!
I'm tagging.....Emily, Leslie, Mackenzie, E.J.(Erin Malone), Heather S., Nicole, Gina M.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Update.....a long time coming
OH.....MY......It's been so long since I've posted! I need to update on just about everything:

So here goes:
* Halloween.... was a blast, Donnie *LOVED* it, the costumes, the decorations, and of course the candy.....ahhhh, a boy after my own heart. He was a chicken...little cutie. I *heart* Halloween, I have since I was a kid.....scary movies, haunted houses, costumes, just the whole thing is a fun day for me (I honestly don't ever remember being scared or creeped out by the holiday ever, maybe I'm just a little strange or maybe just a little evil...hehe!!) I think Donnie might share the same passion for the CREEPY, CRAWLY, SPOOKY Holiday!!.....YAY!!
* My Job.....UGH!! Where do I start? Well, it's definitely not been any easy start (that's mildly put), I have an extremely disruptive group of students who have a major lack of respect for authority (which I'm working very hard on!), and my behavior issues = constant struggle. I'm not trying to complain, but it's honestly the truth, just how it is.... I'm doing my best to try new tactics, new rewards/positive reinforcement, different punishments, basically ANYTHING that will help me survive the day! And not to mention that about 70% of my students are below grade level, which is very difficult, but the truly sad part is that 80% of the students in our school are below grade level! Which is NOT due to lack of effort by the staff, I'm truly amazed at some of my staff members, most of them are there because they choose to be not because they were forced.....they really have a passion for the inner city kids - it's inspiring to see. But, also doesn't make my current situation any easier.
* My Pregnancy (15 weeks) - On a happier note, I will be 15 weeks on Tuesday....I can't believe it's 15 weeks already!! WOW! Time is flying by. I did have an ultrasound and we saw the little peanut floating around, moving his/her arms and legs it was SO neat! We actually were not scheduled to have an ultrasound that early (13 weeks) but, we went in to hear the heart beat because at 11 weeks we weren't able to hear it AND once again NO HEART BEAT....I could hardly believe it! I was so scared, all I could say was "is this normal". Needless to say we had an ultrasound in the office that day and the coast was clear....a little healthy baby aimlessly floating around in my tummy hiding from the doppler!
Okay, enough for now...hopefully I'll be on in a few days to babble about something, thanks out there if your still reading, I didn't stop blogging!! LOL!
Oh, I forgot to mention Donnie and I are both on antibiotics for strep throat....feeling like crap, we're taking the weekend to recover. Hopefully all better to go up-north next weekend for a little R&R.
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