Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sleep Training.....101:

Okay, Nolan's having issues....with sleep. Okay, so maybe not just Nolan, but me too. I feel like I need a sleep training crash course for infants!

So, my problem is....going to sleep on his own, plain and simple, just doesn't happen. I know that he is only 8 weeks, but I think if I wait any longer to start the training process he's gonna be too old and then I'm going to create a REAL BIG PROBLEM. See one of my faults is that I've been walking him to sleep since he's been born, both Don and I do this, and while I love to feel him cuddle up and fall asleep in my arms it really sucks when the MINUTE I lay him down in his crib his two little eyes open up and he starts fussing, but sure enough the second I put him back on my shoulder he's sound asleep. Grrrrrrr!

But, my question is......when is it too young to just let them "cry it out"??? When I used this method with Donnie he was about 6 months old and we had to break him of rocking to put him to sleep.... UGH!!!!! Can you tell both Don and myself have no clue about infants! LOL!! I mean as much as I love my kids I HATE the infant stage, never have really liked it, I mean don't get me wrong I think babies are precious....but, damn they're a lot of work!

Well, I'm off to go and read the book I just bought yesterday...."Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child", and yes, I've read this before, but I don't really remember any of the steps to start sleep, I'm off.

**Oh, Lord, pray for me....I hear Nolan in the monitor and I just laid him down no more than 20 min. ago........(I now know how mother's can go mentally insane and harm their children)**


Anonymous said...


The best sleep book I have read by far is "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is the best book out there. Best of all it works. She talks about how children sleep and different approches you can take to get them to sleep. It is not a one size fits all like some books. I hope this helps : )

Heather S. said...

I remember those days - the exhaustion and just wanting the baby to sleep!! We let our kids cry it out by about 12 weeks - I think. Up until that point I was willing to do whatever it took to get them to sleep.
Although, the book recommended in the previous comment sounds intriguing.
Good luck!!

Kim said...

I would just try getting him to learn to fall asleep in other ways first, I had to do this with Morgan. First it was the swing, then the swing not turned on, then a bouncy seat, then a bouncy seat that laid back and finally the crib! It was a long haul but worth it. Both of my kids have also loved being swaddled as well.

Oh also, when you put him down after holding him, put your hand firmly on his chest so he thinks you are still holding him, helps with that inital I've been thrown in the crib spazz LOL

Callie naps with a soother but sleeps at night without one as I'm not willing to get up to put it back in during the night! Lately she uses it for a bit while napping then spits it out. If he'll take one, sometimes it helps them to start soothing themselves to sleep.

Knock on wood, it now looks like I have a second great sleeper on my hands so email me if you want to chat more about sleep issues!

Boob Squirrel said...

Jessi And I are having the same problems with fynn and emrick. We just decided one night to set the timer for 5 minutes, and let them cry. About 2 or 3 minutes into it they fell asleep, but it's the longest 5 minutes of your life listening to them cry.