Thursday, March 26, 2009


Spring Break finally....

South Carolina here we come!!

Leaving tomorrow morning around 8:30am.... we'll be in Charleston by late afternoon!! Wooo-Hoooo!

More to come with pictures to follow......

Wish us luck on the plane ride, I'm a little nervous with a 3 yr. old & 11 month old.?

Monday, March 23, 2009

A weekend to remember... a comedy of errors and vulgar toilet discussions ;)

Things that I learned on my weekend trip:

* Lori has an infectious laugh….
* Nicole has the funkiest a$$ smelling feet I know… I’m SO sorry Ryan
* I know what to get 'Gadget Girl' for Christmas… (and it’s not another gadget, this one I can buy from the drug store)
* Thank God for LeAnn’s navigation skills, or who knows where we’d of ended up for most of the weekend??
* I’m not good at sticking to a budget at an outlet mall w/a credit card in hand
* Jane is a VERY bad influence for someone considering buying a Coach purse
* I will be wearing those damn Coach sunglasses till the day I die (duck tape & all), just to prove Nicole wrong ;)
* I never want to be stuck on the Boulevard at night in Michigan City….EVER AGAIN!
* I will be bringing the “poo-poo” spray on our next road trip
* Don’t look to a non-English speaking Asian couple on the train for help when the conductors won’t let you off
* $77 worth of snacks just isn’t worth it
* Real-life can imitate the Chevy Chase movie “Summer Vacation” (the Wally World one)
* Taco Bell & the song Ladies Night will forever go hand-in-hand, etched in my memory

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Teary eyed moments....

Things that will make a "Mommy" teary eyed.....

  • Checking out a few preschools for next year... thankfully, I found the one I just fell in love with the minute I walked in! My baby isn't a baby anymore. :(
  • Talking to a "big boy" about going to school next year and how much fun he's going to have, all the new friends he's going to meet and all the new things he's going to learn.
  • Meeting a potential new babysitter for the boy's to finish this school year out & possibly lead into next Fall. We've hit a small dilemma in our schedule's with Grandma's, therefore it's time to find a babysitter 1-2 days a week. The best part of this is that the lady I would like to have will be able to come to our house! Yay! This will be SO nice, especially since she lives about 20 min. from us....*finger's crossed* this will all fall into place for us.
  • Listening to my 10 month old say "Ma-mma Ma-mma Ma-mma" when he hears her voice outside the door.
  • Watching my two little boys loving each other.... okay, really fighting then loving, fighting then loving, fighting then loving again..... *sigh* I love those two nut cases ;)

**I'm getting too emotional over my babies growing up.... I think it's time for another, now I've just gotta get my husband on board for that. :)**

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First official bike ride of the year....

Woohooo!! Go baby go! He's a master peddler! haha!

Coast is clear folks!

Okay, coast is clear....

Donnie woke up from a nap at my Mom's yesterday & said his throat and ear hurt. So, of course, I went into frantic mom mode... calling to get him an appointment right away with his Dr., but his "real" Dr. never sees him anyways, so we ended up with our usual Dr. Williams (who I always like. :) Anywho, no strep and no ear infection. Just a sore throat and an earache. I kinda felt dumb, because he didn't even have a temperature, but I was so paranoid that he had the dreaded strep I took him in just for peace of mind this weekend. I didn't feel like having to make a weekend trip to the walk-in....kwim?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Eeeeek, please NO!

Donnie goes to G-Ma Huff's on Tues. & Thurs., which by the way....he LOVES!! But, really what 3 yr. old wouldn't have a blast there.... donkey's & goats to feed at the barn in the morning, bird feeders to be filled also in the morning, toys that overflow her sun room for all the little chicklins' she's got running around, a home-made sand box outside by the pool....more like a sand mountain w/ climbing toys in it, a basement with tile flooring, perfect for hockey & numerous sports .... seriously this woman has a house MADE for small children, they love it over at that nut house!! She's crazy though. Not in a bad way crazy, but very, Ummmmm... how can I put this, eccentric may be a good word for her (we love her for her eccentricness!) :) Anyways on with the SCARY part...

Gabe, her 1st grader (yeah, she's 54 w/ a 1st & 4th grader, long story, can't get into it now..) So, she calls me at school yesterday telling me Gabe was sent home from school with a rash on his face. Nothing serious, but of course school thought he should go home... in the case he was contagious. So, I was able to skip out of school about a half hour early, sit with my boys while she took Gabe to the Doctor's and wait for her 4th grader to get of the bus. She comes back from the doctor's and says Gabe has STREP-THROAT.... Eeeeeek!! No please NOT STREP.... that's what I was thinking at this point. If you've read my fear of strep before on my blog you know why.... Donnie & I are SUPER susceptible, not even sure if you can be susceptible to that, but we are! Donnie had it 4 times last year at the ripe old age of 2 (poor whittle baby!) and I've had it numerous time... twice when I was preggo's. UGH!! I'm just waiting, waiting for all the symptoms to appear. Waiting for the fever. Waiting for the throw-ups. Just waiting. Of course, I'm sure it'll take about a week for the symptoms to hit.... just in time for my weekend Master's Course.... Woooo-F-ing-Hoooo!! I'm just prying for some crazy reason that Donnie and I can stay safe. Safe from that dreaded STREP-THROAT.... Wish us luck & a danm good immune system!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insane, mad woman!

My life is OVERWHELMING!! Aghhhhhhh!! I don't know wether I should laugh or cry... I'm on the verge of going insane (literally). Mostly, (okay, almost solely) because of me starting a Master's program... don't know why I should feel that way, I mean I'm only working full-time, I have two small children, and I'm going back to graduate school.... hmmmm? Must stick it out though.

  • Report cards are due next week at some point, I don't even know the exact day, all I know is they need to get done.... No time to be concerned with that I've got other things to be concerned with [bullet 2].
  • I've become a MAD woman, and I mean MAD (crazy mad & frustrated mad).... so, I'm taking this Master's Course... "Introduction to Research & Design" this class is SO unbelievable hard for me, it's the "intro." and I don't (not that I care to or want to) understand ANYTHING, please tell me how the hell I'm gonna pass this class?!! These research Journal Articles I'm supposed to be reading have such BIG words, I'm talking BIG words.... words I've never even heard before, let alone read, let alone understand and comprehend. I can't believe people actually do this for a living (really what drives these people into the research profession, I'm baffled by it), research is so foreign to me, then again maybe I'm just a dumb-ass(?) (probably...LOL!)! Let's see the last report I had to write started out.... The animal I have chosen is a Black Rhino. My animal is a mammal because.... Ha! Like I said, I just want to teach 2nd Grade for the love of God, not become a researcher!! Someone please help me understand how this class is going to be useful in my career as a teacher.?
  • My house... holy hell..... a complete catastrophe, laundry overflowing, rooms in disarray. No time. There seriously is NOT enough time in my day to complete everything. I need a maid, a nanny, a cook... let's see what else?
  • The next few weekends are completely booked to the MAX! Not one free minute. The next free weekend I have (I think) is the sometime in April, and I'm sure those will be filing up quick too (the way our life is lately.)

** But, yes there is a but,... my saving grace will be March 27th at 9 something in the AM when we'll be on our flight to Seabrook Island, S.C. WooooHoooo!! Can I say it again WooooHooooo! Oh, so much needed family time and getaway from the real world, I can't wait, I am so ready, get me outta here... please. One more time WooooHooooo! :) (Geeze, who am I Vicki from The Real Housewives of Orange County? Anyone else watch that.... sad, but oh so entertaining, such a guilty pleasure!) Speaking of TV shows, was anyone else mad at Jason on The Bachelor.... I was pissed, jerk! Poor poor Melissa, I feel for ya girl. :(