Monday, June 1, 2009

A whole lotta....stuff

Well, a whole lotta to update & keep tabs on (for memories sake of course)...

  • Went to Dr. F's the other day.... my official Due Date is Jan. 25th! My birthday is Jan. 30th, Donnie's is Jan. 11, so this little one will join in on our January family Birthdays :)

  • Have you ever checked this out.... a friend sent me the link the other day, just for curiosity and fun, of course. But, it is kinda strange that it was right with both my boys, I wonder if it'll be right this time?? Have you ever tried it, was it accurate for you or way off??

  • Feeling half-way decent, with a few queasy moments just today, but completely tolerable at that, thus far this pregnancy. Knock on wood, and I'm sure I'm totally jinxing myself right now.... but, I am about 6-6 1/2 weeks along, this is when it ALL went down hill with my first two pregnancies. So, I'm hoping maybe I'll just get through this one with some queasy moments, but not the full fledged puking bouts...*fingers crossed*, ahhhhh that would be too good to be true, if you ask me.

  • Going camping in a few weeks in Holland....we'll see how that goes. We've got a 38 ft. Winnebago named "Minnie" that we'll be cruisin' in! hehe! Yup, that's totally my idea of camping.... a bed and a pillow to rest my head, a non-communal toilet to do my business on, and the luxury of getting away from the mosquitoes and bugs in something other than mesh lining.... LOL!! I sound like a true camper don't I?? Anywho, I'm actually looking forward to the Minnie trip, I think the boys are going to have a complete blast! And the other families going are a lot of fun! Good times ahead, good times.

  • The boys... ayi-yi-yi, are these two BOYS... Neither of them can get enough of the great outdoors (hence, why they'll love camping), they both through a fit when we have to come in doors for the night; Nolan loves to eat dirt and sand from the sand box; Donnie's always on the look out for toads and caterpillars... he even names them "Toad" and "Taterpillar" he's original, what can I say; Nolan is turning into a little crazy man... he's runnin' around the house throwing himself into or onto things, like he's some WWF wrestler, furniture or on the floor mostly soft spots of course, but he does have a few bumps on his head from crash landings onto the wood floor or hitting the arm of a wood chair.... and then he laughs, he's a mad man I tell ya, MAD! Donnie's a little monkey himself.... climbing, jumping, growling, lately he's either Spiderman or a Ninja or a Dinosaur, *funny story* we went out to dinner at the Outback one night last week with a friend of mine from work, her boys, and her sister (a preschool teacher) and the entire night Donnie wasn't Donnie he was a T-Rex, Karen (the preschool teacher) would ask him a question and he would say "Rrrrooaaar" or he would put his arms up to his chest, arch his back, and make this strange squeally noise "eeeeeek", I really wanted him to just act normal for the evening to see what a nice little 3 yr. old boy I had, but Donnie had other things in store....remember Donnie was a T-Rex at this point... the more the boys laughed the more Donnie would do his impersonation of a T-Rex, ohhhhh the joys of having boys!

  • So ready for the next 3 days to be here and gone... Friday is our last day before summer break!! YAY! "School's out for summer"

  • Ummmm yeah .... 3 yrs. old is just too early for an organized sport, Nolan won't be playing soccer at 3. Don't get me wrong Donnie's having fun, I think, but what's the point at this age?? I guess I'm just not that into it right now.

* Can't think of much else right now, I'm a little pooped tonight I need to lay down. Night.*


Kim said...

that calendar was accurate for both of my babies... assuming the ultrasound was right about this one being a girl :)

Leslie Collins said...

I am excited for camping! Well, I am trying to convince myself that I am excited for it. I am excited for all of us to get together and the kids to play.

I am anxious to be able to meet up for coffee during the week in the mornings now that you are almost done with school. :)

Talk soon! :)

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

The calendar was right for both of my boys. :) What does it say for you on this baby???

MacKenzie said...

I used the calendar with Jocelyn and Ian too. It was right for both of them also. Seems to be pretty accurate.

Steph said...

I don't have kids, but I showed my SIL the calendar and it worked for her. :)