Thursday, February 19, 2009

My baby boy....chunk-o-love

For memories sake.....

Nolan Jeffrey - 9 month stats.

20 lbs. (25-50%)
28 in. long (25-50%)

We're laughing about this because your Dad and I think you're SO big, when really you're just pretty average ;) We're used to a child in the 2-3% sats. his whole life, average seems HUGE to us! LOL!

Milestones for you:

* Crawling
* Walking along furniture, I swear the other day you took a step....sounds good, I'll go with that, you're first step! Yay Noly!!
* Content and happy, most of the time
* Making silly faces, scrunching up your nose, smiling and laughing at your big brother, getting a little territorial over your toys...
* Babbling a few words...."Mama mama mama" "Da Da Da" "Ba Ba Ba" "Di-y Di-y Di-y" (Pretty sure that one means Donnie, because whenever you say it you're on the look out, maybe your afraid of getting kung-fued...hehe!)
* You and your brother are becoming fast friends, you've always taken a liking to him....but, just recently has he started liking you..... awe, I'm sorry baby boy!
* Mama's sweetheart (you have totally stolen my heart)..... you're SO sweet and happy, I just want to cuddle you all the time, you're a lover & I LOVE that about you!
* Food is your friend.... (you must get that from me), not picky yet, the key word is yet, I once said this about your brother and now I can't get him to eat anything!
* Blue's Clue's is something you actually will stop and watch for just a few minutes, you always laugh and smile at the doggy.

That's about it for now....
You make us smile everyday Nolan.... we love you!


Kim said...

You've got to fatten that kid up - Callie doesn't want a man that weighs less than her LOL (She's 24/25 lbs and 29 inches - amazon woman HAHA)

I can't get the big one to eat either - Callie can easily outeat him at dinner every night!

Leslie Collins said...

It's hard to believe he's 9 months?! Time for another one, Katie. hahahaha. :) j/k.