Monday, January 19, 2009

My prayer......

Dear Lord....

I really NEED your help today. In a BAD way. I'm trying to potty train my 3 yr. old... yup, that's right he's 3, please don't gimme any shit about it! While I thought this might go smoothly, Ummmm, not so much. I've also got a 7 1/2 month old baby crawling around, pulling himself up, and very curious about all the bad stuff.... cords, outlets, the usual "No, No's". So while, I'm trying to make my 3 yr. old go the bathroom every 20 min., because he just can't understand why he can't piss all over the floor and himself, I've got a lug of a 7 month old downstairs getting into (or trying too) God knows what, and having to carry him upstairs with me every 20 min. is a real pain in the a$$ (sorry, for swearing God, but believe me it's much better than what I really wish I could be doing right now)!

My prayer today...

Please give me patience with my 3 yr. old son, as I do not want to hurt him or myself (i.e. poking my eyes out with a fork; screaming/beating him for leaving puddles of pee on the floor & letting his little brother crawl through it...not once, but twice, & not telling Mommy; or any other physical/emotional abuse you can do to a 3 yr. old. while trying to potty train!

Please give me sanity, as I do not want to be smashed when my husband gets home from work tonight, because I drank the rest of the Bacardi bottle or wine that is just staring at me and calling my name every time I pass the pantry today!

Please grant me forgiveness when ( I mean if ) I do any of these God-forsaken things to myself or my child today ... or when some horrified mother reads this blog and calls CPS on me....

And God .... I promise I WILL use birth control at least for the next year & 1/2 ... this is not my idea of fun! And please somehow lead me back to this post when I'm feeling the urge for another child before both of my boys are potty trained!



Nicole said...

HAHAHAH! You're hilarious. If you do resort to beating, remember.... no bruises where they're visible in public HAHAHAA!!

AshleyB said...

I got to your blog through Nicole's and I just have to say... I feel for you!! I have an almost-3-year-old and our potty training process with her has been HELL! Now I'm preg with our 2nd, and trying to hurry a kid upstairs for potty trips every half hour really takes it out of ya - i can't imagine doing it with a 7month in tow!! GOOD LUCK!!
- your new reader, Ashley

Leslie Collins said...

Oh Katie! I hope that you were able to have a peaceful rest of the afternoon. Talk soon .

Anonymous said...

There is a book called the "No Cry Potty Training Solution". It is a really easy read and provides a variety of solutions so you can find one that fits your family. All the books that say you can do it in a day well that does not fit most children. It is all when there little bodies are ready to do it. In this book Elizabeth Pantley says most children potty train by 4 yrs old. And most aren't ready until they are 2, but every child is different. She even has a checklist so you can determine if your child is ready. She also says when you think of Potty Training think daytime only. Nighttime won't come until later. I hope this book helps you. It really helped me with my daugther. It will definately take the stress out if it. Because not only does Donnie have to be ready, but you do to. It is all about timing. Don't let other peoples ideas of when your kids should be potty trained pressure you. Every child is different.