Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hubby questions

Fun, I got this off of Kasey's blog....

What is his name? Donald Glenn Huff III (Haha!, that's such a looooong & prestigious sounding name.... so NOT Don!)
How long have you been together? Fall 2003
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? Hmmm, that might be a toss up....I've got a pretty hearty appetite
Who said I love you first? Haha! This makes me laugh....he did, but I told him he better say it soon or I wasn't to sure about the relationship (he told me in St. Louis, the weekend of Mike & Kasey's wedding....anyone remember that?)
Who is taller? Don....but, not by a whole heck of a lot!
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? Probably me! Hehe!
Whose temper is worse? MINE for sure
Who does the laundry? Most of the time me, but Don has been known to do a few loads.
Who does the dishes? Don usually but mostly our dishwasher :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Don....I think
Who pays the bills? Don
Who mows the lawn? Once again, Don
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who drives when you are together? He does, and he is WAY to slow!
Who is more stubborn? Definitely me
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? My Hubby
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, but it took him forever....he was like a little school boy...way too shy. Maybe he was scared of me or something.? I thought I was going to be the one to have to make the first move.
Who asked who out? Our very first date was a blind date, but then I broke things off for a while.....and of course, I was the one to initiate the second first date.
Who proposed? Don
Who is more sensitive? I'd say we are both pretty sensitive...me a little more so
Who has more friends? Probably about the same....I think.
Who has more siblings? Ummmmm, Hubby for sure....7, Eeeek!
Who wears the pants in the family? Me..... for most of our everyday household runnings. But, Don also is the money man in the family so ultimately he has the final say in most of the financial decisions, which is fine with me.... he's much better with money than I am.

**Okay, now it's your turn to post on your blog......**

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