This is Donnie's new best friend......Meagan McGowan, what a sweety!! I wanted to take her home with us!
There was a wedding there on Saturday too, I got to see a pretty was a picture perfect setting for a wedding!

I'm sad that our Mackinac Island trip is over....we had such a great time!!! It is always so much fun to see and spend time with The McGowan families that we usually don't get to see, except for the family reunion once a year. It was definitely a full house, I think we counted 57 people ....and I got to see some "real" Irish drinking, the very competitive nature of MJ's brothers & the sport of crochet....which I was never aware off (the competitive part that is), and the witty sense of humor that they all share....they crack me up!!
The Stonecliffe Inn was amazing, it was absolutely beautiful, I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of staying on Mackinac Island, the only slight downfall is that it's about a mile outside of you have to walk or bike, (we definitely got our exercise last weekend), or you can take the easy way out & do the horse and carriage ride **beware, the smell is pretty bad from the horses in the summer time if you know what I mean!! LOL!!**
Donnie had a blast, he was in heaven with ALL the kids, the horses, the bike riding, the pool, and everything else there was to do on the Island. It was hard to get him to take a nap or even put him to bed at night.....most of the other kids were staying up way later than he was, but they were also older and could handle the late nights a little better than he could. Usually we had him to bed at a some-what decent time....uhhhhh, maybe like 9ish-10ish.....eeeekkk, that doesn't sound like a decent time at all when I actually say it!! Ha! Ha! Oh, well we were on vacation!!
To say the least, Don and I also had a great time too. We were able to have some beers at night after we laid Donnie down, listened to all the 20yr. olds talking about their previous wild night at the Mackinac bars, chit-chat with Don's cousins/aunts/uncles, and just have some much needed adult time! was so nice. I can't wait to do it again next year, I'm looking forward to it!