Thursday, August 16, 2007


My Thoughts on Thursday......Twins, no I'm not pregnant with twins, but it's always been something in the back of my mind for when we do have our next child. Clearly yes, I've been thinking that in the near future I would like to get pregnant (minus the sickness!), Donnie is 19 months and a complete toddler..... where did my baby go? Many of you out there who are reading this blog now exactly what I'm talking about. And he is sooooo ready for a sibling, enough of this only child crap, he needs a playmate!

So, on with my topic.....I think one of the main reasons I think about having twins, is because they run in my mom is an identical twin, also the old saying that it skips a generation(which would fall on me), and twins run on my grandfather's side of the least 3 sets. But, it scares me to DEATH to think of double duty, double diapers, double car seats, double high chairs, double middle of the night feedings, double cribs.....double, double, double, the list goes on. To know how much work one is and then to add another one to the equation - makes my head spin!! Then on the flip side, I also think it would be so neat to have an instant playmate when you get older, a natural built in friendship (most of the time), and to have this incredible genetic bound that only another twin could cool!!

I love to hear twin mom has a few really interesting stories about her and my aunt, the one that sticks out the most to me is when she was on vacation with a friend in Tennessee... She new that my Aunt Gwen was going to be delivering her baby around the time she would be coming back from the vacation, but midway through her trip she told her friend that they HAD to drive home because her sister was going to have her baby. My mom had not spoken to my Aunt since she left, but she said she just had this incredible sensation that she had to get back because my Aunt was going to deliver......sure enough my aunt was in the hospital when she got home and had her daughter a few hours later.....isn't that crazy!? I've also heard about twins who say they can actually feel the pain of the other twin, and as strange as that may seem I truly believe it.

I also, think it's funny to look at the two completely separate personalities they have. Usually there seems to be an outgoing one and a shy one, or a mischievous one and a good one, a bossy one and a follower.....amazing for two little beings to share the same wound for 9 months and be so different yet so alike.

Anyone else heard of amazing twin stories? Or have ever really wanted twins?? Or has twins/is a twin?? Know people who are twins??


Anonymous said...

I have always thought that twins would be great, but only if they were first. After having my little guy, I can't imagine doing everything x 2, but I think the instant best friend/playmate thing would be awesome!

Emilie said...

I think twins would be fun! A lot of work, but still fun. Just to be able to watch them interact and see how different their personalities really might be. I have twin that kinda run in my family...well my 1st cousin has twins and its been neat to see how the started off together and then to see how much they have changed.

heather said...

sorry, I've been sort of swamped... here's a quick comment for you in reply to your thoughts/final questions:
no, yes (only to get two kids out of the deal with only having to carry and deliver babies once), no and not currently.

Nicole said...

Ok, its only nearly a week later, but I'm finally getting around to posting on TFT posts. I don't know any amazing twin stories, and of course I'm not a twin, and I really don't know that many twins (well, I know of some but I'm not close to any). As far as having twins, I always thought I'd want twins but after having a "singlet" I don't know if I could handle it. And, while it is appealing to get 2 kids out of one pregnancy, I'd also feel a little bit like both kids were growing up too fast... with single pregnancies, you live those milestones once, have another baby and get to relive those milestones again. With twins, you go through all those milestones at the same time and then they're over.

Anonymous said...

Twins run on my mom's side of the family also, and I have always wanted to have twins. But the double-duty everything is a little scary!:)